Friday, March 28, 2014

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Key Events timeline

  • c. 1750- Industrialization begins in Great Britain 
  • 1751-1772- Publication of the Encyclopedia
  • 1762- Jean-Jacques Rousseau publishes The Social Contract and Emile
  • 1769- James Watt creates the modern steam engine
  • 1775-1781-Revolution in North America
  • 1776- Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations
  • 1789- U.S. Constitution formally adopted; revolution begins in France
  • 1791- Revolution begins in Haiti 
  • 1792- France declared a republic
  • 1799- Napoleon comes to power
  • 1803- Denmark becomes first Western country to abolish the slave trade
  • 1804- Haiti becomes independent from France 
  • 1811- Simon Bolivar first takes up arms against Spain 
  • 1814- George Stephenson puts a steam engine on a carriage on rails, inventing the locomotive
  • 1815- Napoleon defeated at Waterloo; Congress of Vienna resettles the boundaries of European states
  • 1816- Argentina becomes independent from Spain
  • 1817- Chile becomes independent from Spain
  • 1819- First Atlantic crossing by a steamship
  • 1821- Mexico and Peru become independent from Spain
  • 1822- Brazil becomes independent from Portugal
  • 1825- Bolivia becomes independent from Spain
  • 1839-1842- Opium War between China and Great Britain 
  • 1842- Treaty of Nanjing opens Chinese ports
  • 1848- Communist Manifesto published
  • 1853- U.S. ships enter Japanese ports
  • 1840s-1864- Taiping Rebellion
  • 1865- U.S. Civil War ends, rapid U.S. industrialization begins
  • 1868- Meji Restoration launches Japanese industrialization
  • 1871- Germany gains resource-rich Alsace and Lorraine after defeating France
  • 1873-c. 1900- Deep Global recession with uneven recovery
  • 1890s- Argentina's leading textile manufacturer produces 1.6 million yards of cloth annually
  • 1891-1904- Construction of trans-Siberian railroad

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Anti- Imperalism

Anti-Imperialism lead to the contraction of certain states holdings and power, most notably the Ottoman Empire. This arose in part to due nationalism in these regions bringing the people's allegiance back to their region such as Egypt as opposed to the Ottoman Empire. Combined with the already fragile Ottoman rule this lead Egypt, the Balkans, and most of Ottoman Africa to gain either complete independence or at least semi autonomy. Other nations would also feel the effects of anti- Imperialism, even the U.S. with the rebellions in the Philippines, and while many nations such as the U.S. managed to suppress anti-Imperialism within their territories, many nations would feel its effects.


Nationalism was a unifying factor at a national level, while reducing regional allegiances. While economically and socially this mean increased stability and prosperity for the nation, it also focused people's attention outward. This led to a series of wars in Europe during this period, wars that with the power of industrialization were more terrible than ever before.

Imperalism Global Effects

For those European countries partaking in imperialism, its effects were double handed. On one hand imperialism brought with it a secure market for that country's goods and access to cheaper goods from that market. However, these benefits are somewhat offset in that large taxes were necessary to fund imperialistic efforts. For the recipients of  imperialism the effects also possessed dualism. For industries who competed with the mother countries goods, imperialism frequently meant impoverishment and repression of their trade, and restricted freedom for the people as a whole. While in certain areas such as dock workers, in ports bustling with trade brought about by imperialism, job security was assured. Imperialism also brought with it better infrastructure and sanitation facilities such as railroads and hospitals. As you can see imperialism was full of double handedness impoverishing some while enriching others.

People and Ideas Enlightenment Thinkers Overlooked

Enlightenment thinkers overlooked farming and agriculture. The thinkers were more focused on the   politics, science, and religion of the world.